Looking for music to start your day right? Make you turn your frown upside down? Get you motivated and moving? The White Arrows Home Spotify Channel can help!
Music Memory
Music is one of the most motivating things in my life. It’s something I need as part of each day. It’s essential. One of my favorite memories of music was going into my dad’s home office, when I was probably in third grade, and turning on his stereo. He had mix tapes of oldies hits from the 50s and 60s and I would listen to them over and over again!
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And Today
Making playlists is one of my hobbies. I love to put together songs that can fit a mood, a workout or event. Another thing I am passionate about doing, is encouraging you! I thought it would be fun to share my music with you, so when you need a pick me up, a little extra confidence or to remember how special you are, you could head right over to Spotify and listen to my Channel.
One of my favorites is my “It’s Gonna Be a Good Day!” playlist. My kids and I listen to this one a lot on our way to school in the mornings. I dare you not to start smiling!
Do you have Spotify? If you don’t, you can sign up for free. Just search White Arrows Home and you will see this icon as my logo. If you’d rather listen on iTunes, send me a message and I’ll send you a link to them from my iTunes.

Our little vintage red radio is always on. I love background music. When I wake up in the morning and come into the kitchen, I turn it on and when I’m doing a walk through of the house before bed, I turn it off. When there’s not music playing, we are getting the local fishing report, Packer game, Brewer game or high school games. Sunday mornings, the Polka plays.

I made this playlist just for you! “You Are Amazing!” is to help you remember how special you are! When you feel alone, when you feel confused, when you feel crummy- listen to this!
Music Memory
I love such a variety of music styles. Growing up when we would visit my grandparents’ house I feel in love with Country Music while driving around with my grandma. She drove fast and all of us siblings would sing along with her to the 80s country songs on the radio. She also taught us old show tunes and folk songs. Singing became a cherished tradition of our time with her. With my grandpa, it was Opera and Classical Music. My grandfather was an Opera singer and no one would have questioned his talents when at any sporting event or rodeo! I always had the seat in the crowd next to the most amazing Star Spangled Banner singer. He belted it out! When we rode in the car with Grandpa, he drove slower than my grandma and I fell in love with Mozart, Bach and all the great composers.
And Today
You know how major league baseball players have walk out songs when they come up to the plate? Well I have some too. When I have people coming over, when I’m hosting a party or entertaining, I like to have everything ready fifteen minutes early. Then I walk around relaxed, listening to my “Walk Out Songs” lighting candles and checking the finishing touches. I also love this playlist when I need to make a presentation, teach a class or pitch an idea. Enjoy this playlist to get yourself ready to do your thing!
Music Memory
What are those songs that have left a lasting impression? Isn’t it amazing how just hearing a song can take you right back to a memory and moment? It also amazes me that I couldn’t tell you phone numbers for my friends today, but I can sing all the lyrics to a song from 1984! I can remember the first music video I saw, Van Halen’s Jump. And my first crush on a musician? Donny Osmond when I was in Kindergarten! What are your memories? Share in the comments. I’d love to hear!
My “You Can Do It!!” playlist is my go to when I’m feeling a little small. Its a great reminder of what Eleanor Roosevelt said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” I hope it helps you to listen and believe too!
I’ll be adding to my playlists and developing new ones all the time. Keep tuning in over on Spotify and let me know if you have any suggestions for playlists you’d like me to add! Enjoy!
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