We are spending a lot of time at home. Here are some beautiful decor pieces to symbolize this extra time together. Signs, Printables and Pillows for Home.
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Does anyone have signs like this? They don’t really seem right to have hanging today. Hopefully we can put them back up soon! But until then here are some signs to take it’s place to fit our time at home.

In our living room, I added a Stay Awhile sign that it usually in the guest house to a Spring vignette.

Are you a homebody or is this time driving you crazy? I am a social person, but I am also very content being a homebody. I actually need time at home, it truly fuels me the most. I have so many books to read, projects to work on and hobbies, I don’t know if I could ever be bored. What is your personality type and how are you doing through all of this?

Inexpensive Printables
Here are some digital printables you can purchase on line for under $10, download and print from home.
These signs are a perfect fit for our days at home. I’ve heard people are putting back up their Christmas lights to brighten up these days. Are you? How fun is the neon sign?
One of my favorite ways to change my decor is by layering in new pillows. Here are some that work beautifully for staying home.
I hope these decor pieces help you to give your house a little special touch as we spend more time in our homes.

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Hi Kristin
I love love love your post. It is indeed so good to be home. In my life, I feel like I never have enough time to spend home anymore. I work very long hours and this time although I am working remotely, I feel that it has also changed my perspective on many things. Thank you for sharing. Stay safe and enjoy your time home.
I feel the same way Edmee. I have appreciated the time to slow down and am not taking it for granted. All the best to you and your family!!!
Great ideas
Thanks so much! All the best Jo!