The Northwoods typically has a long winter with on average 60 inches of snow. I have lived where it snows for 24 years in Iowa and southeast Wisconsin, but I hadn’t really seen SNOW until I moved here. Thick snow up to your knees. Snow storms that turn everything into a wonderland with flakes that look just like the ones we made as kids out of paper, all delicate and different pointed, God’s artwork.
The back of our home is my favorite part. When I walk up the trail from the lake it always stops me in my tracks. I fall in love all over again.
Raising kids where they play in the snow several times a day (which means getting in and out of snow clothes and boots over and over again) is a lot of fun, but takes some strategizing! Must haves- dryer empty and ready to dry and warm wet jackets, gloves and bibs; hand warmers and toe warmers; and space to keep all the “stuff” organized; hot chocolate when they come inside!
We still have fun on the lake in winter. My husband enjoys ice fishing (hoping to catch a trophy Walleye). There are tracks across the yard from taking the snowmobiles out to jump on the miles and miles of trails or pull the kids on the tube. (Guess what? Kids 13 and up can drive their snowmobiles to school here if they’ve passed snowmobile safety and have the schools’ permission!! How fun!)
At the beginning of the winter we make a skating rink and enjoy it until the maintenance takes the fun out of it. Then we let the snow cover it and move onto other activities.
Snow bowling anyone? We asked a local alley if we could buy an old ball and pins. So fun!!
Cross country skiing or snowshoeing around the bay are a great workout and fun way to enjoy the beautiful winter landscape. It’s hard to believe that it’s the same lake we swim and boat on part of the year. Nature is amazing! God’s beauty is breathtaking.
Looks like so much fun! Love seeing all of your beautiful family and home pics!
Thanks so much Amber!! I appreciate you taking time to follow along!