Celebrating the Greatest Gift at Christmas.
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Merry Christmas!
I woke up this morning before the rest of the house.
We are out in Montana where we spend Christmas at my parents home.
My dad has been playing Christmas music in the kitchen all week and didn’t turn in off last night.
So as I walked out of my room into the dark hall, I heard carols playing.
I stopped and soaked in the moment– the peace, the stillness, the anticipation of the celebration ahead.
Celebration of being together as family.
- Of traditions long held and cherished.
- Of gathering to open gifts.
- Rejoicing the birth of Jesus, the GREATEST gift.
This Christmas morning several things fill my mind and heart.
Christ in Christmas
Earlier this month I traveled to Germany to visit my daughter who lives there.
On one of our day trips we visited Baden Baden and explored the town and the Christmas Market.
My favorite part was the nativity displays under the long open walkway of the Trinkhalle building. The craftsmanship of each artisan’s crib was amazing to take in.
Another special spot was in the children’s area, the Sky Mailbox, where children put their wishes and they are sent to heaven until Christmas Eve.
What wishes would you add to the mailbox?
It’s a wonderful feeling to know we don’t have to wait for a mailbox over the holidays to send our messages and wishes up, we can pray anytime directly to God who waits and listens.
I loved seeing so many displays that were not just Santa, but celebrated the nativity.
It was encouragement to me in my own decorating to make Christ the center of our Christmas decor.
Advent Reading
Celebrating Advent in a deeper way has really added to the meaning of Christmas day.
A few years ago I began a Christmas devotion during the weeks ahead, a reading each day that took me into the Bible, connecting scripture and my life today.
I’ve gifted the Advent book I read to my young adult and teenage children.
Reading the same book has been so special as we can talk about our insights, what we are learning and what means a lot to us.
Family Worship
Two of my boys started a tradition this past Summer and it continues this Christmas day.
When we are together at our family getaways we plan a time to gather and everyone brings a verse, story or lesson to share that has been speaking to them lately.
It has been so special and meaningful, to hear what each person from the youngest grandchild up to Nana and Papa shares and learn from each other.
Here are just a few of my takeaways:
- When God spoke to Moses in the burning bush in Exodus 3:11, Moses questions why God wants to send him to rescue His people from Egypt. God responds not with all the reasons He chose Moses, not all the strengths and talents He sees in Moses. He does not build Moses up with praises. God simply says, he will be able to do it because God is with him.
- If God had wanted us to know the exact date of Christmas He would have had it in the Bible. It’s a good reminder that every day we should give praise and gratitude to our Savior. In the same way that my husband and I love celebrating our anniversary, we also cherish our marriage every day in the ways we love each other, Jesus is part of our every day, not just on one holiday. But the season gives a beautiful avenue to share our faith and love to all in a way and at a time many more are often more open to receive it.
- God has graced you for where He has placed you. Do you have enough faith to drive you to action? God gives you the invitation to be part of the story to show His Glory.
- Jesus has already overcome the world, so we need to be living in that goodness, not always looking for the next good thing to come, but toward goals with gratitude for today. We need to live in this day as best we can filling ourselves with what is lovely.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8
- The lineage of Jesus is full of everyday people, people who made mistakes, misfits, kings, biblical heroes– all kinds of people. God does not use human logic. His son was not born to a queen in a castle, but in a line of people who God could reveal Himself through. He can use us too, in big ways no matter who we are, what we’ve done, where we are from.
The Greatest Gift
The greatest gift to me this Christmas is the reminder of God’s promises.
The birth of Jesus was a fulfillment of his promises prophesied in the Old Testament.
Keeping His promises from scripture close to my heart helps me stay positive.
One of the things I love to do with scripture is insert my name like in the verse below, I take out Mary and add Kristin.
But Kristin treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
May your Christmas day be full of the blessings Christ brings to it and all year long.
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Renae Frey says
Beautiful! Merry Christmas, my friend.