Find inspiration for what to read now as Kristin shares what’s on her list this month.
This month I have four books on my list for what to read now. I know it sounds crazy that I read at least four books a month, but I have found a way to make it work even in my busy days. My nightstand is always stacked and my Amazon saved cart is always full of books; I feel lost if I’m not reading. In trying to fit in the time to read with five kids and work, I found this reading pattern works well for me. I hope it can help you find time to read too.
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My Quiet Time Book
Inspiration from Christian teachers and leaders is important to me. I like to have a book I am reading to encourage my faith each month. One chapter a day is my goal along with some quiet time in prayer and the bible. Half an hour in the morning is my ideal so it doesn’t get away from me and sets the foundation for my day. Do you have a time you can give half an hour to a quiet time book?
This month I’m reading The Esther Anointing. I have not read any of the studies in this series. Have you? I have always loved the story of Esther and am excited to see what I can gleam from this book.
Read The Esther Anointing with me!
My Wait Time Book
At this stage of my life, a lot of my time is spent waiting for my kids at sport and music practices. There are also appointments and other to do’s on my list that require time to wait. Keeping a book in my purse and car actually makes me look forward to the waiting, so I can read a bit more. I usually choose a book of personal or professional development for my Wait Time Book.
One of my favorite podcasts is Anne Bogel’s What to Read Next. I love Anne’s recommendations for books and listening to her talk with her guests. All my fellow bookworms will enjoy following her blog as well, Modern Mrs. Darcy. When Anne shared that she had a new book coming out and was looking for readers to join her launch team, I was so excited to come on board. Don’t Overthink It gives practical tips to stop second guessing all those little decisions in our life, leaving more time for joy.
Read Don’t Overthink It with me!
My Chore Time Book
A lot of my day, is sprinkled with chores- cleaning dishes, folding laundry, gardening, cleaning. I’m sure yours is too. When I have chores to do, I put in my headphones and listen to an audiobook. Not only do I get to read another amazing book from my list, but often the performers of the audio version are spectacular. Two months ago I listened to Tom Hanks read The Dutch House, last month Educated, read by Julia Whelan. Both were outstanding!
This month I’m listening to American Dirt about a Mexican mother who runs with her eight year old son from the cartel to America as migrants.
My For the Love of Reading
I choose one book a month to read just for the joy of it. It’s usually fiction, often historical fiction, my favorite genre. My mom and I enjoy reading a lot of the same books and she recommended The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek . It’s a story based on the traveling librarians of Roosevelt’s Kentucky Pack Horse Library Project who brought books by horseback to the shacks of rural Kentucky.
This book I read on the weekends, before bed, on a road trip to a hockey game or whenever I can squeeze in time to curl up and enjoy getting lost in a story.
I hope you are able to use some of my strategies to fit in time to read for yourself. You may not be able to fit in all four, but I hope you are able to fit in at least one or one more.
I love hearing your recommendations too! What should I add to my list?
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I find I do a lot of my reading while waiting and doing household chores too.
It makes the time go by faster and the work a bit easier doesn’t it! You’ll have to let me know some of your favorites!
Yay! I love book recommendations! Will follow.
Thanks so much Amy!
I do like your selection of books to read and so does our Julie. She has chosen this post to be featured in our next Blogger’s Pit Stop 🙂
Thank you so much Kathleen! I’m honored!