Meet Zuri and Koda
Zuri and Koda are our family’s Bernese Mountain Dog sisters. They are such sweeties and love to explore the woods around our cabin home and meet all their forest friends.
Koda’s favorite thing is to take a walk hoping to see one of the foxes down the lane.
Zuri’s favorite thing is swimming in the lake!
We are building a collection of animal stories to share, Zuri being the first.

Zuri Story: ONE
If you purchased a stuffed Zuri at White Arrows Home the Shop, then this first story is the one found on her tag. Interested in purchasing one? Shop HERE.

More stories will be added here for you to follow along.
Zuri has always found herself to be a close sister of adventure, a daughter or courage, a friend of the unknown, and a supporter for all things food. Anything she could find htat could fit into her mouth, seemed food enough for her.
Today, however, seems as if it could supply her with the greatest feast of her life. It is Summer. Flowers bloom from the ground. Leaves burst with life. Ferns look juicy and ready for the picking. Even the budding blackberries make Zuri’s mouth water. She munches on bark, wood chips, lawn chairs, grass, bones, antlers, rocks, daisies, leaves, weeds, violets, dandelions, pine cones, berries, shoes, blankets, pillows, and the thousand othe rdeicacies her nose can track. Her stomach is full and happy. She waddles back to her house to take a nice digestive rest.
And there it is. Like the pie to conclude the greatest Thanksgiving. Like a cake to end hte best birthday. Like ice cream to finish a night at the fair. The largest, shiniest, crunchiest acorn Zuri had ever laid eyes on. Right there in the open, not a thief in sight (except for her of cours). She crouches her head low, wags her tail… and pounces!
But when she gets up to take her first bite of the acorn, it’s gone. All that remained was the mocking face of Chip the Squirrel, with the ripest of acorns between his sneaking little claws.
Stay tuned for what happens next!