A Calm Home Has the Power to Positively Affect Everyone Who Walks Through the Door.
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A calm home has the power to positively affect everyone who walks through the door, whether they stay for a short while or live there day to day.
In the same way that a space often filled with drama and chaos can be instantly felt, so can a space of peace.
I like to think of our home as a haven of calmness and as I think about what makes it that way, there are several routines, habits and actions that happen- some very intentional and some naturally- contributing in both big and small ways.

As I write, I’m praying that if you feel your home could use a little more serenity, these practical practices can help bring more peace.
Welcome to Camp Paradise
Our lakeside cabin came with its name, and just like you don’t change a boat’s name, we figured the same could be said for a dwelling, so decided to keep it.
The house is a full log cabin (think Lincoln Logs) that sits on the shores of Paradise Bay on the eastern edge of a large, deep lake in what’s known as The Northwoods of Wisconsin.

A lot of qualities about life in The Northwoods lead to many quiet and tranquil moments.
There are thousands of lakes, and water is a top provider of soothing moments.
A lot of the year snow blankets the trees and ground; and when it snows, the earth stills and sounds slow.
Places are spread out here Up North giving you space from others and often scenic, long drives to get where you are going.

There are lots of opportunities to get away and take time on a quiet trail through the woods.
But even though our surroundings are serene, that doesn’t always mean inside a home is.
How can we achieve a calm home?
Here are 8 simple ways.
Set the Tone
As a mom to my five kids and wife to my husband, I feel it is my privilege to set the tone of our home.
The intentions I set for my own health, positive mindset, daily routines and time spent, will directly affect those I love and the energy around.

I love a balance between working off my calendar and to do list and leaving room for spontaneity.
In different seasons of life I have had to be more scheduled than others depending on the ages of my kids, what they were involved in, what my husband’s day would look like and my own obligations and opportunities.

Along the lines of having a schedule are routines.
Often routines can get a negative nod, seem dull or a must do task.
In our home, routines are cherished and looked forward too, even the daily ones.
Mornings and evenings especially come to mind.
There are a few morning routines that have had a great deal to do with our calm home and it starts with giving everyone an exciting reason to wake up- breakfast.

Years ago, when my children were little, my husband’s schedule was full of long days.
I dreamed of family dinners around the table, but that just wasn’t possible.
Rather than give him a guilt trip, or myself frustration, I decided we would do family breakfast instead.
He had more flexibility in the mornings and could be there to eat together and help with school drop offs.

As his schedule loosened over the years we have kept the breakfast tradition going, even with only two of our five kids left at home.
Each night my youngest son asks before bed, what’s for breakfast and heads off to slumber with a big smile on his face in anticipation.
The breakfasts aren’t always fancy (more often they are not) or take a long time to prepare.
It’s the act of service they provide to give my family a solid start to the day, one that is not rushed, but includes sometimes quiet and sometimes conversation, but always togetherness.
Another routine I look forward to is weekly date night.
My husband and I have been consistent all our married years with this. I wrote about it HERE.

Church is also a routine that gives our family its strongest foundation.
Praying together and for each other gives a deeper connection.
And peace flows from the hope we have through our faith.

Part of that morning routine that gives a calm start to my day is getting up before the rest of the house and spending some quiet time reading my Bible and devotionals.

Everything in its place.
We try.
The more often we get it right, the easier heading off to school or work is, finishing a project is, paying bills is…
Deciding on some simple “here is the spot” spaces is key.
When we don’t have to rush around looking for something or feel frustrated about where something is, calmness prevails.
I had cubbies built to put in our entry way that were big enough to hide lots of shoes, fit a backpack and hold the hats, lunchboxes, sports equipment and other needs.

I’m one of those moms that sets things on the stairs for the kids to take up when they run to their rooms.
Getting organized is a constant reevaluation and work in progress.
Some strategies work and stick and others we keep trying until they do.
One of the feelings I have is that my kids can be responsible for their own organization (some are better than others for sure, but giving them the ownership is important.)
Starting in middle school they take over their own laundry for example.

When I want them to take some time to clean their spaces up or reorganize I always ask them with some flexibility on finishing the task to keep the control in their follow through.
I may ask on a Saturday morning that it be done by the end of the weekend or over lunch that it’s done before dinner.
There is rarely frustration when managing getting it done is up to their way of doing the task.
And I always like to ask one of my favorite questions, “Is there anything I can do to help?”
As I mentioned, I love a routine.
I love a schedule.
But I relish staying flexible for the moments that come up that are unplanned, unexpected or a change.

Down Time

Some of the most important things to keeping a calm home are keeping our health a priority.
What we fill our bodies with directly affects how we react to situations, our stress levels, our risk of illness, our sleep.
Fresh, whole foods are the key.

Our fitness and activity levels matter greatly too.

Making time to daily get moving needs to stay a significant focus.
When and how we do that is up to each of us.
Maybe you like to workout alone, maybe with a trainer or in a class.
Maybe you like to take a walk with your dog each day, maybe you love the challenge of cross fit or the rebalance of yoga.
It’s wonderful all the options to find your activity that gets your heart pumping.
Do you have fitness and wellness goals you are working on, trying to start or be consistent with?
Join my 5 Day Wellness Challenge HERE.
And for even more encouragement and support you can join my monthly Wellness Society subscription plan HERE.
My hope is you find your home calmer with the tips I’ve shared and more peace in the day to day.
On the days you feel restless, take a break, give yourself some grace and focus on finding a moment, a view, a verse, a nap, some deep breathing and then start again.

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[…] recent post about ways to a calm home shares a lot of how we set the focus for […]