Bernese Mountain Dogs Make the Perfect Family Pet and Such a Sweet Animal to Have at Home.
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I’m so excited to be joining a few of my friends and fellow Bernese Mountain Dog moms for a little tour today.
We are calling it Berners on Parade.
Keep reading to find links to the blogs participating and to meet my cute pups.

My friend Ann has the most photogenic dog I’ve ever seen with Ella.
You will love getting to meet her and see Ann’s beautiful blog and social media feeds where Ella often makes an appearance.
My friend Laura has two special Berners, Elliot and Chloe, to introduce to you and when you head to her post, you’ll find out why this tour is so special to her right now.
All our pups will just make you melt.
I think that’s one of the attributes that draws people to Berners most, its their charming features, the sweet faces.

Our first Berner was Scout, but we have two Bernese Mountain Dogs at home these days, Zuri and Koda.
Berners on Parade
Zuri & Koda ~ Kristin @White Arrows Home | A Berner at Home: Perfect Family Pet

Ella ~ Ann @Dabbling & Decorating | Love and Heartache with a Bernese Mountain Dog

Elliot & Chloe ~ Laura @Everyday Edits | Bernese Mountain Dog Parade: Chloe & Elliott

Meet Our Bernese Mountain Dogs
Meet Koda and Zuri.
They are sisters from the same litter who came home to live with us in the Spring of 2022.

We did not mean to bring home two.
Here’s our story.
Several years ago we surprised our youngest daughter with a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy on her birthday.
Though it was on her birthday, the puppy truly was a gift for the whole family.
We named her Scout, loved her and took her everywhere even on hikes when she was too little to go the whole way on her own.

She was a sweet companion all the time and loved adventures outdoors and quiet time inside with the family too.

Scout also loved Honey, our Great Pyrenees, who was several years older.

But they became the best friends.

When Scout was four years old she got sick and the vets never could figure out why she was throwing up all the time.
They finally decided to do exploratory surgery, but Scout passed away on the way home from the procedure.
We couldn’t believe it, our sweet Scout was gone.

The worst part, our daughter was away at camp so we had to tell her when she got home.
Scout had been such a part of our lives.
I’m sure you can relate over the loss of one of your beloved pets, somehow we think they will be around forever.
One of the things that we loved about life with our first Berner was their sweet disposition.
You can see it in this photo of Scout.
She was always so calm and sweet.

It was almost like she constantly had a smile on her face and one that reached all the way into her eyes.

She was lovable and cuddly and truly always happy.

And she was such a beautiful dog too.

Always ready to join in on any fun we were having.

We have never had too much problem with shedding and hair around.
Our dogs get regularly groomed by my husband and kids and also a professional to help deshed throughout the year.
They also spend a lot of time outside, they love the outdoors even in the snow.

A year after Scout passed away we started thinking about getting another dog for our family and a buddy for Honey.
It was an easy decision that we wanted another Berner.
Brian found a breeder in Wisconsin and we selected a puppy from the litter.
This time the whole family was involved.
It took us the entire time waiting to bring the puppy home to come up with a name before finally all agreeing on Zurich “Zuri”.
With five kids, that made seven opinions and lots of long discussions and debates around the dinner table as we waited those weeks.
Brian and I went to the breeders to pick her up and while we were there the breeder brought out another puppy, the last one, unclaimed, in the litter and asked us to consider taking her too.
We said we wouldn’t be able to, but by the time we drove the four hours home we couldn’t stand to think about her not being chosen so we called the breeder and told her we would take her too.
Our older daughter was going to help and keep this second puppy at her house a lot of the time.

She named the second puppy Koda.

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A few people on my social media cautioned us and warned us about having two puppies from the same litter, but we never have had a problem.
We researched and took advice from some experts and the puppies have grown up getting along beautifully.
Koda spends all her time with us now that my daughter moved to Germany, and Koda and Zurit do great together and with Honey.

Just like Scout, they love adventures, the outdoors and being cozy and cuddly inside.

Dog Decor
Our love for our pups has spilled over into a few special pieces of decor in our cabin.
At our local paint your own pottery shop, my younger daughter chose two dog salt and pepper shakers and painted one like a Berner and one like a Great Pyrenees, a Scout and a Honey.
They are always sitting on our table and cherished.

When my older daughter traveled to Amsterdam in high school, she brought back a Delft tile with a Berner on it.

I added it inside an antique frame, attached a hook and made it into a pretty leash holder.

Gifts For Berner Lovers
Shop these fun finds for a Berner lover you know HERE.
Thanks so much for joining our parade and stopping by to meet our pups. If you are jumping from each blog in the order introduced above then next you are heading over to Ann and Ella at Dabbling & Decorating.
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hi Kristin
Love this! And such a reminder that we always need Berners in our lives.
Today is a tough day for us but this parade is just a reminder of how amazing these Berners are with their unconditional love! Thank you! laura in Colorado
So glad you were able to join us and the honor we could give to Chloe!
Love your post Kristin and that tile with the leashes is such a great idea, I need one!
Isn’t it special! Fun way to use her travel treasure.