One of my favorite things I’ve done as a mom is to read to my kids at bedtime. We have read some amazing books together that have given us adventures and conversations and years of memories. My kids couldn’t wait for bedtime to hear the next story or chapter in the books we read. It is an especially special activity during Advent.
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One of the phrases my kids always use when looking forward to something is, “how many sleeps until…” When I saw this sign at Hobby Lobby I knew it would be a special way to count the days through Advent as we await the birth of Jesus.

In anticipation each night our bedtime story is a Christmas story of the Nativity. Even as they have gotten older they still love to read the favorite picture books from years’ past.

Some Books to Add to Your Collection
Read cuddled up together on the couch, read laying by the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree. Read in front of your nativity scene or tuck them into bed and read the best bedtime story ever told.

Find more Advent ideas from some of my talented fellow blogging friends at the end of this post. Thanks so much to Leigh of The Little By Little Home for organizing all the inspiration.

There are beautiful options for me an Advent devotion reading for me too. Here is the book I read last year, Because of Bethlehem by Max Lucado.
And the year before that I read Ann Voskamp’s The Greatest Gift. I highly recommend both books!
This year I will be reading, A Thrill of Hope by Erin Stache.
Do you have a favorite Advent book? I’d love for you to share it with me in the comments so I can add it to my list!

Take the Tour for More Inspiration
The Homemaking Momma Ι Uniquely Taylor Made Ι The Tattered Pew Ι The Little by Little Home
White Arrows Home Ι Red Brick on the Lake Ι Crafting with Kids
May your Advent be full of blessings as you wait in anticipation of His coming!

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I’m definitely saving this list of Christmas books! Great ideas girl.
Thanks so much Lindsey!
I love this tradition! I’m always adding Christmas books to our collection. Love the books you linked!
I love collecting books and starting the tradition with my kids!
I love christmas and i really liked this post
Thanks so much Jo-Anne!
A friend of mine, Cory edwards wrote “The Christmas Lizard.” It is a wonderful book for kids and I saw it is on thrift books for just a few dollars. I bought a stuffed lizard for my grandkids to hold when we read it. Thanks for your faith based blog! Always nice to see.
Thanks Ginger! I’ll have to look that up to add to our collection!
Kristin I love your tradition of the bedtime stories each night as your countdown Christmas…and that countdown is just darling! I can’t wait to read some of those books recommendations you shared! Merry almost Christmas!
Thanks so much Kelly! It makes such special memories!
Thanks for all of these ideas. I cant wait to add some of these to our collection!!
Thank you for this reminder of how much children love to be read to. And for the book recommendations for me!