It’s time for a Christmas giveaway! Are you getting geared up for the shopping season? Do you need extra cash for Christmas?? Don’t we all!

We are so excited to be giving away $430 in cash prizes for you to use starting this Thanksgiving weekend.
Here are the prizes: 1 – $150 Amazon Gift Card 1 – $100 Target Gift Card 2 – $50 Walmart Gift Card 1 – $50 Kohls Gift Card 2 – $15 Starbucks Gift Cards There will be 7 winners in this giveaway. Each winner will receive a gift card code to use either in the online store or in the actual store. Now its time to meet our wonderful co-hosts who have made this giveaway possible.
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Oh wow! great giveaway!!!
I shop for christmas gifts fo my grandkids, toys and clothes and small gifts to fill a shoebox for the shoebox drive and gifts for our military.