Kristin Lenz shared over 100 episodes with cohost Erik Torgeson, on The Cabincast, a podcast devoted to living and dreaming about the cabin lifestyle full of share interviews and commentary.

I have a list of my goals and dreams that I am constantly working toward. It started with this blog. You can read the full story here. Then it was my social media accounts.

Another one of the things on my list was to start a podcast. While talking with a friend, Erik from Roughing it in Style, he shared that he had the same dream and had already started doing some work toward it. We decided working on it together would be more effective and way more fun. So I joined The Cabincast.

The premise of the show is to be your getaway premier. It will air weekly on Fridays so a new episode is ready to listen to when you “jump in your car to head to the cabin.”
Read more about Episode One “What the Heck is a Getaway Primer” in this post.
Follow on Instagram @thecabincast
Each episode is a mixture of conversation between Eric and I, commentary on favorite recipes, cocktails, music, products, traditions, activities and more. There are also interviews with an amazing guests. You will love the line up!
Our podcast is for cabin owners, renters, vacationers and those who dream of having one. But even if you do not have a cabin, you will love this podcast! We also appeal to nature lovers, explorers and people filled with wanderlust. There will be animal tales, adventures, history, recipes, travel tips and stories behind the makers and creators we want our listeners to meet.
It’s also a podcast for a national audience. Even though Eric and I are living and recording in The Northwoods, the appeal will be for all and our guests will be from across the country. There will be a lot of history, stories and guests from our neck of the woods, but the cabin lifestyle is broad and we have friends from all areas. Here’s a peek at our studio.

Want to know what else is still on my dream list? There’s some exciting things still ahead! Subscribe to my email and newsletter to follow along on my dreaming and be the first to hear my progress, events and activities. I’d love to have you dream with me!
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