11 Ways to Fill Up Your Mind, Body and Spirit to Flourish, Fueling Up With the Good Stuff.
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What we fill our eyes, ears, hearts and minds with matters.
It matters everyday as we

First and foremost I want to fill myself with activities, information and entertainment that increase my faith walk.
Starting my day with quiet time reading the Bible and devotions helps lay a foundation for my day.
I spend time in prayer for the things on my heart and also those written in my prayer journal for others.
Throughout the day I continue to pray and talk to God knowing having Him with me is the only way I can get through any hard moments and having Him to rejoice in any good ones.
Praise music is essential to me too, it speaks to me deeply when I am feeling joyful and also when I need reminders of God’s promises.
I listen when I workout, when I write and work. even when I drive (If you drive past me, yep, I’m singing!)
Taking notes and journaling are also part of my practice to help me remember more and dig deeper.

My weekly Bible Study really fills me up too as I learn from our leader and the great writers and teachers she brings us in each of our studies with workbook and video components.
This session we are doing Jen Wilkin’s Abide study on 1,2 & 3rd John.

My prayer partner and I also read through a book together taking as long as needed and talking about it in chunks as we go when we get together for breakfast to catch up between daily texts.
Right now we are reading through Memorizing Scripture and working on putting more verses in our hearts for quick recall to share or for our own reassurances.

Our last book was
Another way I’ve been learning scripture that works really well is with Dwell Differently.
They are temporary tattoos sent each month done in a design using the first letter of each word in the verse.
My family.
Where do I even begin.
Being a wife and mom is all that!
My kids right now range between the ages of 23-15, three boys and two girls.
I’ve become a mom through natural birth and through adoption.

Brian and I have many things we have been intentional about as we focus on family.
Time together is essential, having fun together and building memories.
Weekly date night for Brian and I has happened since the beginning and is something we still look forward to each week as a way to fully connect one on one. Read more HERE.
Seeds to so many of our dreams have been laid on date nights and then had time to get nurtured.
My recent post about ways to a calm home shares a lot of how we set the focus for family.
Spending time with friends also fills me up!
Whether getting together for coffee or planning activities, gatherings and outings, its a fun way to connect with other women to do life with.

I also love that my coworkers at my shop are my friends.
We have so much fun together!

Staying connected with friends from high school, college and other chapters of my life is also important to me and I wish I had more time to do it often.
But one thing about true friends is that no matter how much time comes between conversations or time together, you pick right back up where you left off!
A few of my favorite ways to stay in touch are quick messages. I have a friend who forwards on a devotion to me each morning and it is like getting a hug from afar.
The app Marco Polo lets my different friend groups share video messages and watch and respond when we have the time.
Scheduling a virtual zoom or FaceTime chat works great too. Grab a glass of wine or cup of coffee and settle in to reconnect or catch up.
Daily I learn more and more about the importance of what food we put into our bodies.
Eating whole foods, as farm fresh as possible has the ability to heal us from the inside out and nourish us with good energy, elevating and steadying our emotions and attitudes.
I also love enjoying time making meals for my family, especially breakfast in the morning.

I have several different ways I enjoy working out.
On the top of the list is any workout with my husband and kids.
We enjoy working out together and the fitness room we built in our guest house garage has been one of the best decisions ever.
We put in a glass garage door we can open on warm, pretty days and when it’s cold and yucky outside we can keep it closed, but still have the view of outside through all that glass, upping our energy levels.
Sometimes we all do the same workouts and sometimes we do our own thing.
Sometimes we head out for a run and we always love taking the dogs for walks.

I think one fo the best ways to think about workouts is doing something that makes you loose your breath every day.
Maybe you love to swim, kickbox or do CrossFit.
Maybe you just love to hike a favorite trail.
That’s what is so wonderful about fitness, it can be whatever you enjoy and works for you.
If you like to do it alone, with a trainer, in a group or in a class.
You can challenge yourself to try new things, ask a friend to come along or stick to something you start with and watch how you improve.

My personal favorite fitness week includes two days of pilates, one of yoga, two days on my spin bike and two days doing HIIT workouts with my husband then going in our sauna.
Enjoy these recent posts
It is fun to find your style and then be on lookout for pieces to add to your wardrobe.
Whether there are certain shops or designers you love or you enjoy thrifting, it can be fun to collect timeless, investment pieces and add in accessories.

One of the things I’m doing this year is what I am calling “Last Chance Closet”, if I don’t wear something during the year than it is being donated.
I’m not going to do another year of “I’ll fit in that better soon,” or “I love it so I know I’ll wear it sometime.”
There are so many ways to do this, one popular way is to turn all your hangers one directions and then when you wear it turn it the other way, it’s a quick visual of what pieces need to be pulled.
Not sure what your style is or what to evolve into one?
Build Pinterest boards of what you like and get inspired.
Bring out your jewelry, scarves and hats and wear them proudly.
Dress up more than you dress down, it makes you feel good and boosts your confidence.
Furnishings in our homes can be a mix of signature pieces you spend a bit more on to trendy items and seasonal decor.
Each of our homes has a style reflecting what we love and how we like to use our spaces.

I always have my eye out for new finds to enjoy whether it’s a one time enjoyment like a special restaurant on a trip or a new to me vintage find at the antique store to bring home and help my house tell its story.
My vintage camper was one of those treasures.

There are so many ways to add fun into life.
Some are doing things with family and friends, some are pleasures on your own like curling up with a great book.
Fun can be doing regular things you enjoy or trying something new.
Big and small things can add fun, the catch is just that they make you smile and make your heart soar a bit higher.

Frills & Finery
There are so many sweet and beautiful things to add into life, I think of them as frills and finery.
It may be those little pleasures like pedicures, stops for a latte, or a monthly massage.
It may be picking out special stationary to write notes on and a pen that flows across the page of a pretty journal.
Maybe it’s using your grandma’s china more regularly, dotting your tears with an antique hankie and adding a dab of perfume.

I use a mix of faux and real flowers.
In my basement storage room I have a tub with a variety of blooms and stems in different colors, heights and seasonal themes that I can bring out as needed.
It is also fun to grab a grocery store bouquet and bring it home to arrange.

I often choose a bunch that look beautiful to me in that moment or will compliment entertaining I’m doing or a holiday.
Then when I get home I “shop” my vases and containers, many of them vintage, to find a fun way to display them.
There were a few posts that I wrote to share some of my arrangements HERE and HERE.
When using a vintage container I add mason jars inside to hold the water and protect the piece.
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