I’m excited to reshare this post as part of the Stars and Stripes Blog Hop hosted by Kristy of Kristy Mastrandonas. Be sure to visit these other amazing posts: Kristy read the post → about DIY Nautical Candle Holders
Adding Spring Touches
(Affiliate links are used for your convenience. Read my full disclosure here.) I’m so excited to be joining another seasonal blog tour hosted by Marty of A Stroll Thru Life. All read the post → about Adding Spring Touches
Spring Decor Table Vignette
I’m excited to be joining a talented group of blogging friends for our monthly Pinterest Challenge where we all use the same photo from Pinterest to inspire our own home read the post → about Spring Decor Table Vignette
From My Neck of the Woods
We had a little switch in the schedule this week with Welcome Home Sunday becoming Welcome Home Saturday. So in turn, my weekly From My Neck of the Woods update read the post → about From My Neck of the Woods