Powered by faith in my morning Quiet Time with my bible, devotional, journal and a cup of tea I feel filled for the day with a strong foundation.
This month I’m again joining some blogging friends for a Styled Tray blog hop hosted by Katherine of Katherine’s Corner. This month she challenged us to style a tea time tray.

This month I’m sharing how I’m Powered by Faith in my morning tea time.

I shared another styled tray post this Winter for enjoying cozy hot cocoa. Read the post HERE. It was all about the easy way to encourage conversation and connection by setting down a tray of warm drinks by the fire.

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If you are coming over from The Painted Apron, welcome to White Arrows Home. Didn’t you love her tea time tray?
Welcome to White Arrows Home
I’m so glad you are here. My heart and calling is to love my family well and to encourage women in their daily lives.
In our lakeside log cabin home in The Northwoods of Wisconsin my husband and I are raising five kids ages 14-22. Only two are at home now, so I’m navigating this new chapter of parenting adult children as well as teens.
My faith is my foundation and what gives me direction as I write, blog, podcast and run my store. As I strive daily to discern God’s voice and hear his message for me, it leads me to deeper connections with my Savior and with others.

Want to get daily encouragement? SUBSCRIBE HERE so you don’t miss any posts!
I was excited for the theme of this month’s Tray Hop because I’m a vintage tea cup collector. My collection started when my grandmother began passing them down to me.
I have a few matching sets, but most of them are single cups and saucers I love to mix and match.
Collecting Vintage Tea Cups

Are you a tea drinker? I drink a Detox Tea every morning when I wake up, but otherwise my choice tends to be coffee.
I think it’s a fun idea to drink anything out of tea cups when you are entertaining. Serve a punch in them or any special beverage.

They are such a great idea as a gift for a friend you miss. Send them a tea cup with an invitation to a FaceTime chat to catch up.
It’s also a fun idea to start a collection for a young girl in your life or a wedding shower gift for a bride to be.
I have a brick and mortar store in Minocqua, Wisconsin where I live. We sell antique, vintage and new home decor, accessories and gifts. Everything in the shop is also online to make it easy to shop from anywhere.
One of my favorite areas is our Dish Bar! It’s a room full of plates and tea cups where customers can build place settings or pick out a special item.
Morning Quiet Time
Another reason I was so excited for this themed hop was that my cup of tea is such a special part of my morning quiet time.
On weekdays I get up early when the house is still sleeping at 5 a.m. This is a new habit for me. Since I started practicing it several months ago, it has become something I actually look forward to. I never would have believed that before I started being consistent with it.
I was always a night owl. I never woke up grumpy in the mornings, but liked to sleep until the last possible second in the mornings. Now, I let myself wake up naturally on weekends, but the weekdays I set my alarm and get going.
I head out to the kitchen and make a cup of Detox Tea then head to my cozy chair, turn on the lamp, light a candle and pull out my devotional.

What is a Quiet Time?
Quiet time can take many different forms. The main thing though is that it is intentional. It’s a time set aside to slow down and be still. It’s a time to feed my faith

Here are some of my favorite Devotional Books.
How do I fit in Quiet Time?
For me, in this season of life, like I’ve shared Quiet Time works best in the mornings. I spend about an hour so I wake up at 5. Then at 6 I fix the kids breakfast. They come downstairs around 6:30 to eat before getting ready for school.
I love how special the mornings are. First with me and Jesus. Then with my kids. It helps me not feel rushed and I’m able to help them have a calm morning too.
If I have a morning that I don’t get up it’s hard for me to have that long of a dedicated time. So mornings help me keep it a priority.

But maybe evenings are easier for you before bed. Or maybe midmorning after a workout. Or in the afternoon transitioning from work to the night activities. Look at how you spend your days and see what may work best. It’s important to be disciplined about it, but not force it into a time slot that will only leave you feeling rushed and frrustrated.
Quiet Time Tips
Here are some of the ideas that have helped me.
- Have a designated spot go to spot where you sit.
- I keep a basket by my spot that holds my bible, journal, devotion book, pens and reading glasses.
- A little table nearby holds my warm tea.
- I have the lights still turned down and just switch on the lamps while letting the sun come up and naturally light the room. (if you still feel tired after waking you may need more light on.) I like the peacefulness of the lamp light.
- Be sure to have a block of time set aside where you won’t be interupted.
- Leave your phone somewhere else, unless you are using it for a bible app or devotion.
- Light a candle.
- If you are hungry right away in the mornings, have a little bowl of fruit to nibble on.

Morning Quiet Time?
Does Quiet Time have to be in the morning? Quiet Time can be anytime that you can have a chunk of time uninterupted. Do what works best for you. There is no right or wrong time to spend time with God.
I do my Quiet Time in the morning because it’s the time I’m not expected to be doing anything else, so it helps me stay focused. It also is a great foundation to start my day and give it the beginning grounded in The Word and Prayer that carries me forward with my family, activities and work.

Importance of Quiet Time

Faith Filled Finds for Quiet Time
Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you are leaving feeling more inspired and craving not only a cup of tea, but more time with Christ.
Next up you are headed to Simple Nature Decor Blog. You’ll be so inspired by her post!
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I so enjoyed this Kristin, as I knew I would. I could imagine the cozy space as you described it. Thanks for the reminder to start the day grounded in prayer. Your ideas about teacups are great ones! Have a lovely day.
Thanks so much for the sweet compliment Regina!
Hi Kristin, I am so impressed with your morning tea time and how you prioritize this special time to yourself to focus on your faith. You have inspired me! Your tea tray is lovely, and the meaning behind it making it even more so~ I am going to check out the books you recommended, thank you!
I’m so humbled that you felt inspired in my sharing! Happy Spring Jenna!
What a spiritual presentation for your Tea Time on a tray…I love that you shared your Quiet Time and Faith with us over a cup of tea…I am a collector of vintage tea cups and also tea pots and have quite a few myself…And of course I collect them as i am a Victorian Soul….Your home is lovely and I can just picture your quiet time spent there…Something I think I may have to take time out to do for myself! Thanks for the inspiration!! I enjoyed “Touring” with you today….
Debbie-Dabble Blog
Thanks so much Deb! I love that you are a fellow collector and Quiet Time lover! Blessings this Easter!
Kristin, what a pretty tea setting and special devotional time! Blessings, Cecilia @My Thrift Store Addiction
Thanks so much Cecilia!
Nothing better than a cozy spot and a cup of tea.
Thanks Melinda! Happy Spring!
What a beautiful post, your vintage tea cup is so pretty, I love it! Quiet time is the delight of my life, too. That time of day, when I get to just sit at Jesus’ feet a while, and rest in Him, and read my devotionals with Bible scriptures, there’s nothing in this world any better. Though I take gteat joy in creating beauty around me in my humble home, nothing compares to the beauty of God and my Savior Jesus. Thank you for your post.
You are so right Christie! I love the way you describe the blessing of time in the Word with the Lord!
This is very inspirational. Thank you for sharing. I love that you get up super early for your “me” time. I always aspire to do that, but I’m a night owl, which makes the early rising tough. It’s very nice to tour with you today. XO- MaryJo
I have always been a night owl, this is a new challenge and habit for me that I can’t believe I’m actually loving!
So nice to see the cherished tradition of tea coupled with some meaningful quiet time. I collect teapots and tea cups as well. It is always lovely to handle the intake china and enjoy the warmth of the tea.
How fun to collect teapots too! Love it Lynne!
Kristin, quiet time, with God’s word is so important. Thank you for showing us how and when you do this. Getting into this kind of routine grounds us.
You are so right Rachelle! Happy Spring!
What a lovely post and such an inspiring way to spend the morning. I also start my day with a cup of tea…but I need the caffeine in the morning! Great touring with you again!
Thanks Shelley! Happy Spring!
Your faith filled morning ritual is such a blessing. Your comfortable spot with tea on a wood tray is lovely. Thank you for joining in the fun. Pinned! xo
Thanks for including me in this inspiring hop!
Hey there, great meeting you in this group. I love you quiet time tea tray. I love that you used a large slice wood. Very rustic and beautiful.
Thanks so much Maria! Wonderful to meet you too!
Kristin, What a beautiful post on reminding all of us to take the time to sit and have quiet moments to ourselves. I love that you start the day off with a tea and have a special spot to sit and reflect. Been a pleasure to hop with you.- Meagan
Thanks so much Meagan. Fun to meet you on this hop!
Quiet times and tea are a natural pairing, all the more so when you make it special. Glad to see you on the tour!
Thanks so much Sandra!!
Beautiful post, Kristin!!! Very thoughtful and written from the heart. Your teacup collection is adorable! So fun touring with you this week!
Thanks so much Rachel! So fun to tour with you too!
Kristin, What a lovely ritual to begin each day! This sounds like such a wonderful time to gather one’s thoughts and focus on your blessings. Thank you for sharing this lovely inspirational time!
Thanks Chloe! So fun to hop with you this Spring!