One the most beautiful ways to show off a flower arrangement is in vintage containers. Flower arrangements in vintage containers are one of my favorite things to do. It’s such read the post → about Flower Arrangements in Vintage Containers
Celebrating National Tea Month
One of the things we always do as a team on Mondays at my shop is look over our store calendar and see what special days are ahead. We love read the post → about Celebrating National Tea Month
Winter Decor in the Entryway
Vintage Winter decor transitions after Christmas in the entry way. After New Years I put Christmas away and transition into Winter decor. In our home it focuses on cozy vibes read the post → about Winter Decor in the Entryway
Use Your Vintage Treasures as Side Tables
There are so many vintage treasures that can easily become side tables. When I first bought my vintage coolers, picnic baskets, camp stools and other items, I never intended to read the post → about Use Your Vintage Treasures as Side Tables