Antlers have always been a favorite decor accessory. They work well in so many ways throughout any style of home. I’m sharing some creative ways to incorporate them into your read the post → about Decorating with Antlers- Ideas For Your Home
Mountain Modern Style- For Your Cottage, Cabin or Home
Mountain Modern homes are a beautiful design style. Many of these homes are located in the mountains, overlooking lakes or in the countryside where their architecture let’s it blend into read the post → about Mountain Modern Style- For Your Cottage, Cabin or Home
DIY Crafting with Girlfriends- Painted Paddles
My girlfriends and I love the look of decorated painted paddles. We decided it would be fun to get together and paint some ourselves. (This post may contain affiliate links read the post → about DIY Crafting with Girlfriends- Painted Paddles
Plaidurday – Celebrating Being Mad For Plaid
Happy Plaidurday! Last year, when I first learned about Plaidurday I was so excited!! I am Mad for Plaid! Plaid is my favorite color! And having a day to celebrate read the post → about Plaidurday – Celebrating Being Mad For Plaid