A LOOK BACK FROM MY NECK OF THE WOODS at the past week, WHAT’s inspiring me and what I’M LOVING. I HOPe IT WILL ENCOURAGE YOU.
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I hope you’ve had a wonderful week. Mine has been full of adventure, fun and lots of hard work.

A Sunday Devotion
This Palm Sunday, I’ve been reflecting on what I’ve been reading and learning. In Luke, chapter 20, verse 42, Jesus says, “If you had only known today what would bring you peace.” In verse 41 just before that it says that as he came near the city (Jerusalem), he began to cry.
In the past, I have been so focused on the worship of the people, the rejoicing of his followers, that I have missed the sorrow and heartbreak Jesus had in that moment and still has for us today. How the Prince of Peace was right there in Jerusalem that first Palm Sunday, and he is here with us right now. And just as they did then, we struggle to accept this gift.
We try to fill our lives with activities and items that we think will give us peace. If we just get the promotion. If we could go on that vacation. If, if, if. Peace from Jesus isn’t an if, it’s a promise. It means we need to let go of control over the situations, frustrations and issues in our lives and let Him lead.
Depending on the translation, the Bible uses the word peace between 230-429 times! It can mean quiet rest, safety, wholeness, good relationships, calmness. What type of peace are you craving? Jesus has it waiting for us.
“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.” 2 Thessalonians 3:16
Here are some Printable Peace Promises that you can print from the link below then hang from your bathroom mirror, put on the fridge or on your car dashboard.

Highlights of the Week
- Diana, my Shopkeep, and I did a delivery/pick up run down from Minocqua to Chicago, dropping off bigger pieces customers had bought. Did you know we have delivery options? Then we stopped and had dinner with another customer who had invited us to her favorite local restaurant. It was such a wonderful adventure. We left The Northwoods with a full van, emptied it and then filled it back up with more vintage items for The Shop.
- The 16 inches of snow we got Friday night was quite the April Fool’s Day joke on Saturday. But, even with the huge amount of clean up, the sun came out and made it a beautiful day!
- Brian pulled my spin bike out of the workout room so I could spin in the warm sun surrounded by feet of snow. It reminded me of the weather while Spring Break skiing out west.

Stay Tuned
This week starts the Better Homes & Gardens One Room Challenge. I participated in it a few years ago when I restyled my oldest daughter’s room. You can read about it HERE.
They hold the challenge twice a year in the Fall and Spring.
Each week in April I’ll be posting an update until the final week’s finale of the space. This Spring I’m fixing up my Potting Shed at our getaway property, Badger Hollow.

Want to get daily encouragement? SUBSCRIBE HERE so you don’t miss any posts!

Recent Posts
This week on the blog I started my series My Fitness Life | Working Out to a Flourishing Life.

Welcome Home Saturday had Spring crafts, tablescapes and pillow ideas. Plus there’s inspiration I’ve been collecting all week.

Did You See This?
We are sitting under a lot of snow still, but I’m dreaming of Summer and my gardens. I’ll be excited to decorate with my favorite seasonal flowers. See THIS POST.

More Inspiration From Around the Web
- My friend Ann has done beautiful updates in her home with wallpaper.
- Stacy, my friend in New Jersey, is a talented gardener. She has tips on growing peonies.
- Rachel, over in North Carolina, has a great post on how to make a DIY painted rug.
- I love reading my friend Molly’s posts like Maple Syrup Season in Maine. Maine has so much in common with Northern Wisconsin.
- Do you have deer near your home? My friend Kim is sharing 21 deer resistant plants.
In the Shop
All the new items we brought back from our travels this week are making their way onto the floor and website. This Hickory furniture collection includes a queen bed, dresser, bookshelf and coat rack. Shop HERE.

Fun Finds
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
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Thanks so much for sharing Kristin. I wouldn’t mind the snow as we both know it will melt quickly and it’s still a ways to go until spring truthfully. Don’t you love bluebird sunny days like that? Happy Sunday!
I can’t believe all that snow. Wow. Thanks for sharing my rug. I appreciate you so much.