On my reading list this month are some recommendations from coworkers, friends, podcasts and book store shelf scanning.
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I’m so excited to start reading the books on my list this month. Over the past few years since I started this system of reading I’ve been able to read over 50 books a year.
Quiet Time Book
I try to start my mornings by reading a portion or chapter of a book that encourages me in my faith. It’s such a positive way to spend a quiet half hour before the business of the day begins. I make a cup of tea, curl up by the fire and settle in to see what will enlighten and speak to me.
In December, I love to choose an Advent reading.
This year I chose to read The Everlasting Light from She Reads Truth after listening to them on a favorite podcast, That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs.

In past years I’ve read Ann Voskamp’s The Greatest Gift, Max Lucado’s Because of Bethlehem and Liz Curtis Higg’s The Women of Christmas.

Read The Everlasting Light with me!
Wait Time Book
Being bored is not something I experience. I always have a book along for any wait time. When I’m sitting outside my kids’ practices, or at an appointment, I can read while I wait.
I couldn’t wait to start Atlas of the Heart by Brené Brown. I’ve enjoyed and learned from several of her books like, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong and Braving the Wilderness.
Brown maps out a journey through eighty seven emotions and experiences giving us a framework to connect in meaningful ways and helps us have the language to access it.

Read Atlas of the Heart with me!
For the Love of Reading
I love to read a feel good Christmas book each December. It’s like my Hallmark movie. Last year I read one of my favorite author’s Christmas novel, Kristin Hannah’s Comfort & Joy.
This year I’m reading The Christmas Dress by Courtney Cole. It’s the sweet story of Meg, a young woman and fashionista who comes home from New York to take over the Chicago apartment complex after her father passes away. She makes new friends with the elderly tenants especially Ellie, and learns to find the way to her dreams while saving the building.
Ellie shares the story behind her beautiful Christmas dress and gifts it to Meg making her promise to wear it to something special over the Holidays. The magic of the dress helps both women find happy endings.

Read The Christmas Dress with me!
Chore Time Book
A few years ago I found the secret to actually enjoying and looking forward to chores. Listening to books on audio. Now if I’m cleaning the house, shoveling snow or folding laundry I can’t wait to get going because I want to know what happens in my book.
I love reading historical fiction and listening to the audio books performed by talented narrators lets me hear accents and how words should be pronounced. It makes the story even more fascinating.
Some of the books I’ve enjoyed are even read by famous voices. The Dutch House was read by Tom Hanks and The Boys was read by the memoir’s authors Ron and Clint Howard.
This month I’m listening to The Radium Girls by Kate Moore. I always love hearing about American History that I never knew about like this. In the beginning of the Twentieth Century, during the time period surrounding the World War I girls labored in watch factories painting the dials with the new wonder element, radium. As the girls start falling mysteriously ill they start to come forward and fight the corruption for better workers rights.

Listen to or read The Radium Girls with Me!
Find tips for how I fit more reading IN THIS POST.
Looking For More Suggestions?
You can find links to my past reading posts HERE. I also keep pics of books I want to read on a Pinterest Board called “What to Read Next”. Start your own board today with photos from this post to reference when you are looking for a new book.
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