Inspiration and Spring finds to freshen up your porch.
What a wonderful Winter we’ve had, but I’m getting itchy to change things up. The first thing I always want to refresh is our front porch. I’m looking back at how I decorated the past few years and thinking about what direction I want to go this year.

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The porch has looked the same almost all Winter. Birch branches, evergreen boughs and plaid pillows have decked our benches since Christmas. See our column lantern in this photo from just before Christmas? It is now totally under snow and glows each night lighting up the snow around it. It’s beautiful!

Santa and the tartan bows went away after Christmas leaving a “let it snow” theme. And snow it did! See more of my Holiday porch here.

Last Spring’s porch was one of my favorite stylings. I went with blues, greens and whites choosing inspiration from white geraniums when I had usually used reds.

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I always love having ferns on my porch too and mixing in some of my vintage pieces like this plaid camp blanket. See more of last year’s porch here.

The Summer before, I was inspired by the bright green colors of these pillows and the cheery look it gave to our front porch when combined with the red geraniums. My vintage red water skis got to take center stage.

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- Benchs
- Gingham Rug
- Pillows
- Garden Stool
Plans For This Year
We will still have snow on the ground for another month or so, but in the coming weeks I will be able to get a start on our Spring porch for this year.
I’m feeling called back to red geraniums, they are just such a classic Summer look and go well with our log cabin home. So I did some dreaming while I was walking through Walmart the other day. Reds and blacks were catching my eye.
When I was a little girl, even through my teen years, whenever my mom’s home decor catalogs would come in the mail I scooped them up. I would tell myself I could choose a certain number of items or one thing per page to decorate my home or style a space. I guess I’m still doing that as a grown up when my catalogs come in the mail, when I surf a website or walk through a store. I’m always decorating in my head.
And then the fun begins- to see what’s in my head become reality. Follow along to keep up with how this project turns out! I’d love to have you join me on the journey! Leave me your feedback in the comments below! It’s a fun way to get to know my followers.
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See More of my Porch Decor

The green really pops with the blue. I’m partial to deep blue and hot pink geraniums with some lime green sweet potato tucked in. the wicker planters are terrific too. Have fun!! ????
I love it Kristin! It looks great!
I have been thinking the same thing! I change my wrap around porch every year and look forward to it! This year I am going yellow and black. I found some of those five dollar pillows at Wal-Mart with bees on them and The back of them are yellow.. My rockers are black and I have a yellow church pew in our shed.
Wal-Mart has some really pretty red pillows for your porch! ???? I noticed you have the green plaid ones that I got this winter as well.
I love your spring porch! Pillows are always a great way to add a seasonal look to a porch, aren’t they?