I’m styling three of my antique wooden totes as centerpieces for Fall.
One of my favorite things to collect (my most used phrase) are antique wooden totes. I’ve stayed 3 Fall Centerpieces in these Vintage Totes to use around our cabin for the season.
I often say “favorite things to collect” because I do have so many collections I treasure and love to add to as I go exploring and thrifting.
Antique totes have allure because there are so many sizes, colors and shapes. They are so versatile for how they can be used now in my home and hold so many stories of where they’ve been.
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Isn’t that what we love about antiques, dreaming up the stories of their past. My younger daughter is a writer and she’s started writing the stories behind the pieces in my shop. I can’t wait to share them with you as they come together! They are so fun!
I’ll give you just a taste. This framed piece, a vintage photo of three girls fishing is a favorite piece we carry. It actually hangs above my daughter’s bed too next to two fishing creels full of flowers.

Enjoy the story she dreamed up.
It was August’s climax when Mabel, Olive and Loretta piled their poles and tackle boxes into the old Chevrolet 3100. They drove north through the pine lined roads, watching the clouds above wish them luck. When the first sight of the familiar shimmering waters of Lake Minocqua came into view, they pulled to a stop. They grabbed their precious fishing supplies and adjusted their hats on their heads. They raced to the pier, testing the water’s conditions with their hands. As the sun shifted through the sky, that dock they stood on was host to many victories, and occasionally some frustration. Mabel caught the first bass, and Loretta the next. And after Olive caught hers, there were shrieks and cries of excitement from all the girls.
“We’ll come back soon, won’t we?” Asked Mabel.
“Of course!” Loretta put her arm around her friend. “These waters will always be calling our names. Just listen to the shores. I don’t want any other melody in my life.” They all stared out, their lines drifting east with the wind. They inhaled deeply, taking in all of the peace the Northwoods could offer them.
You can find this wall art and more amazing finds HERE.
Back to those totes! I have three that I couldn’t wait to fill for the season. One is a centerpiece in the dining room, one sits in the kitchen and one on the back porch where even if we are inside we can see it an enjoy it.
In The Dining Room
I loved this long red wooden tote the moment I saw it and envisioned so many ways to put it to use. It has separated sections to be filled in so many ways.
For Fall I wanted to have the pop of white pumpkins with green and golden leaves.

I found the perfect filler at Hobby Lobby. I went with faux so I could use it for years to come.

My favorite part are the little raffia pumpkins that give so much texture and interest to the arrangement.

On The Porch
Out on the back porch that sits off our kitchen and breakfast room I filled a wonderful white wooden tote.
We love the views of the lake from here.

The bright orange of the mini pumpkins coordinates with the oranges in the forest behind the porch.

I love the simplicity of the white tote and orange pumpkins.
Last year we grew our own pumpkins in our pumpkin patch at our home in The Driftless Area of Wisconsin. But this year our schedule didn’t let us get down there in time to plant.
I grabbed bags of little pumpkins on a trip into Walmart.

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In The Kitchen
This wooden tote is a fun one. Perfect for working in the garden carrying cut flowers or now holding pumpkins and guards in the kitchen.

This Summer I used this tote in the kitchen too and it was full of rosemary.
My vintage green garden tools add interest to the arrangement too.

Another thing I love collecting are dishes, vintage ones and seasonal new ones. I love to mix and match them. Here’s a post I wrote about mixing and matching dishes. READ IT HERE.
The plaid dishes I got at Pier One several years ago and the little red and white ones are part of a bigger collection I found at a St. Vincent thrift store in Ironwood, Michigan.

Other Fall Centerpieces
I have always loved changing over my antique Hawkeye basket for the seasons as well. This year I just filled it with faux Autumn leaves.

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I love these ideas. I’m sharing a link on my post on Sunday.
Thanks Rachel!
I love your totes, friend! Even better, that story from your daughter! What a treasure to have. I can’t wait to read her collection. Be blessed and happy weekend, Kristin!💛