I believe we are never too old to learn new things, try something different, learn and grow. Here are my tips for a lifetime of learning.
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As we close out week one of this Thrive Series, I’m sharing one of my biggest beliefs. We are never too old to learn new things, try something different, learn and grow.
I heard Bob Goff say on his Big Dream Podcast, that we all need more “hold your nose and jump moments.” I want to live a life where I partake in adventure and take attempts at something new. How about you? Do you need a bit of a nudge to find the courage to jump off the dock?

I hope you’ve been learning a lot right along with me and found some small changes you can make to help you thrive too! Here are links to the posts so far and a peek at what’s to come next week.
- We Were Made to Thrive!
- Slow Down and Take Your Time– Does Penmanship Still Matter?
- Tips for Marvelous Mornings
- Spaces to Rejuvenate, Relax and Restore
- What’s Your Fuel?
- Got Confidence
- Chase That Dream
I’m a very curious person. I think it would be impossible for me to be bored as I am always interested in so many things. I come from a long line of curious people, parents and grandparents who are/were life long learners, travelers and interested in other people’s stories. They, like myself love(d) to read and enjoy(ed) talking about books they read.

My mom often sends me articles she reads and rips out of the newspaper or a magazine. She sticks them in an envelope and sends them my way. My dad is often forwarding articles and quotes he finds inspiring and knows I will too.
It’s important to me to keep my curiosity and desire to always be learning. I work at it everyday. There may be things that I physically become too old to learn or do, but I will keep trying until I can’t.

A few of my favorite daily activities to keep learning:
- Read every day.
- Listen to inspiring podcasts.
- Listen to a TED Talk every day.
- Don’t act like I know it all.
- Listen when other people talk.
- Watch documentaries, historical series and scientific shows.
- Make lists of things I want to try or participate in more.
Read Every Day
Follow along here on the blog as each month I share what I’m reading. I hope you will read along with me! I have a strategy that helps me read at least four books a month.
- A Quiet Time Book- a chapter a day in the morning to encourage my faith.
- A Wait Time Book- A chapter a day as I’m waiting for kids at their activities, I keep the book and a highlighter in the car or my purse. I choose a book that inspires me personally or professionally.
- A Chore Time Book- This is a book I listen to on audio as I clean or work in the garden.
- A Book Just For the Love of Reading- This is a book I read curled up on the couch, in bed before I fall asleep, or in the hammock. I choose I book with a story I can get lost in.

Listen to Inspiring Podcasts
I love listening to podcasts. They are such a great way to learn new things or more about something I’m interested in. So many of my favorite shows interview the most amazing authors, scientists, nutritionists and creatives and I get so much out of listening.
When do I listen? It’s one of my favorite ways to pass time when I’m driving. They also help me look forward to chore time. I can listen to one while I’m cleaning or pulling weeds and it makes the time go by faster. I actually look forward to the jobs so I have a chance to listen.
Sometimes I listen while I’m on a walk or if I’m cooking when no one else is home.
I listen to all my audiobooks and podcasts at a faster speed. You can adjust the speed in the bottom left corner of your phone screen. I listen at least at 1 1/4 speed. That lets me listen to even more episodes because they go faster.
A few of my favorites podcasts are Ed Mylett, The School of Greatness, That Sounds Fun, Dream Big, Super Soul and so many more.
You can learn a lot listening to my podcast The Cabincast too!

Listen to a TED Talk Every Day
I listen on the app as I put my makeup on and do my hair each morning. I scroll for what interests me, new talks, ideas I know nothing about or top talks shared in the book Talk Like Ted by Carmine Gallo.
Don’t Act Like I know It All
Sometimes it’s hard to not have to have an answer for everything, to act like we know it all or need the last word. I try to admit when I don’t know something and ask lots questions to understand. It not only helps me grow and learn, but builds relationships too.
Listen When Other People Talk
One of the most important things we can do is listen when other people talk. Look away from our phones or activity, look the speaker in the eye, fully engage with what they are saying, not interrupt, not think about what we we want to say next, but actively listen. There’s always something to learn from every person we encounter.
We parents need to do better at this with our kids. I know my husband and I are always trying to. We want our children to not only be listened to, but be heard. The world needs this right now too.
Watch Documentaries, Historical Series and Scientific Shows
We are a family of history buffs and love watching documentaries together.
A few historical series we’ve enjoyed:
- The Crown
- Band of Brothers
- Victoria
We often also tune in to a scientific show about animals, weather, oceans or other topics.
Never too Old
A great deal of getting older is our mindset. If we keep being curious having an active mind and an active body we will be able to enjoy every age and milestone when we reach it. Here are a few examples of people who proved we are never too old to try something new:
- Julia Child’s first cookbook came out when she was 49.
- Morgan Freeman was 50 when he landed his first big acting break.
- Colonel Sanders opened his first Kentucky Fried Chicken when he was 62.
- Laura Ingalls Wilder published her first Little House book at the age of 65.
- Grandma Moses began painting at 78.
My grandmother was a wonderful example to me. She kept learning, laughing and active her entire life. Every day was a marvelous new adventure for her. Here she was dancing my my daughter.

What Do You Want to Learn?
Did you start journaling on Day One of the Series? If so, pull that journal out and see where these questions take you as you respond and make lists.
- What is something new you’ve always wanted to learn? Think big, crazy ideas on this one. They don’t have to be realistic, just something you’ve thought sounded fun and amazing and you wish you could do it.
- What something you started learning and never finished? What’s keeping you from trying again?
- What are the biggest excuses you give yourself for not trying? Now, draw a line through each one and rewrite an encouragement to try in its place.
- What’s something you already know or have tried, but you want to learn more? Now, list a first step to get started again next to each one.
- Write about someone older than you that you admire. What do they do despite their age?
I’ve started my list of things to learn and things to participate in more to help me thrive. I will continue to add to it, tweak it and cross things off.

Thanks so much for joining me for this series. I hope you will go back through the posts and reread, take some notes, save the photos to Pinterest so you can come back when you need reminders and inspiration.
Let me know how it’s encouraging you, what’s resonating and what you are still curious about.
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[…] On Friday I shared how We Are Never Too Old to Learn New Things […]