It’s finally Spring! Buds are on the trees, the temps are in the 50s, and there is only the tiniest bit of ice left on the lake. As I sit here writing this I can hear the Spring sounds, not only of birds, but lawn mowers and leaf blowers too as everyone around the lake is out enjoying this beautiful day to get work done outside. My kids ran outside after breakfast and I haven’t seen them since.
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What I’m Reading
I started the morning on a zoom call with some ladies I met on Instagram for our first Vintage Book Club meeting. We are all lovers of vintage goods and when one of them saw a book she also had in one of my photos it started us talking. We read We Took to the Woods. Do you love to read old books? Have you ever gone back to read something you read in High School to see if you’d love it again or appreciate it now that you are older?

What I’m Watching
Since our oldest two were in elementary school we have been watching several 80s television series as a family. After 15 years of this tradition, I can tell you it is one of the best parenting decisions we ever made! Here’s why it’s been so wonderful. First of all, having a relaxing bedtime routine was key for calm evenings, cooperative nights and time alone for Brian and I after the kids went to bed. We would watch one episode each night after dinner and baths before bed. The kids couldn’t wait to watch all together and made them excited for their bedtime routine. Secondly, these shows gave us common memories and language as we bring up favorite episodes and sayings throughout the day or over the dinner table. Here are some of our favorite Family TV Shows.
My Most Popular Pinterest Pins this Week
Click Here to Pin Spring Porches
Click Here to Pin Lake House Style Vintage Must Haves

This Week on the Blog

Mother’s Day Gift Idea- Painted Spoons

How to Create a Relaxing Spa Bathroom

What I’m Loving
- Sitting around the bonfire last night with Brian and the kids. No one wanted to be the first to say they were tired and end the evening!
- Playing my favorite game with the kids on the back deck in the sunshine.
- Refreshing my daughter’s room. I can’t wait to share it in May as part of the One Room Challenge with Better Homes and Gardens! You’ll get to see the full plan and details May 6!
- Making lunch is part of our every day routine now, rather than packing them to go in the mornings. What have you been enjoying for lunch? My kids top choice? This Tomato Soup and Paninis!
- Getting our kayaks down from the garage and into the water! What’s your favorite way to enjoy the water?
- Brandy Alexander ice cream drinks from our favorite Supper Club.
Have a great weekend! Be sure to enter the Mother’s Day Giveaway!

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I have no favorite part of the day. I am lonely and depressed and try to sleep as much as possible. I am not even enjoying my hobbies. My husband is grumpy and I feel like crying.